Customers personal style  psychology and how to deal with their different types

The goals that each facility or employer seeks to achieve are many and different, but we can say that attracting a base
Having a large number of customers is one of the main goals they all have in common.
Institutions depend on many factors that help them achieve this goal, the most important of which is: understanding
Customer psychology, and knowing how to properly deal with their different styles.
Why do institutions care about this? How can you make the most of it?

The importance of understanding the customer

The customer is the party that benefits from the service or good provided by the establishment, whether this party is an individual or
If the organization (X) is the party producing the service (Y), then the customer (Y) is the party that purchases
And consuming the service (Y), is it then possible to imagine any existence of (X) or (Y) without (P)?
Since customers represent such a great value to any facility, it is logical for businesses to seek to understand and analyze
And study this party concerned with its services.
Imagine that you want to enter the market for a service. Can you do so without knowing the nature of the consuming audience for this service?
What are their preferences?

 How do they make their purchasing decisions?

 What are they looking for?

Or if you're a business owner, do you remember how many times your customers' opinions helped you avoid a crisis? or
What prompted you to develop the product you offer?
Therefore, the importance of understanding the customer you are targeting is that:
One of the components that helps you design your business strategy.
A strong performance indicator that you can rely on to know how your business is doing. The rating that your customers leave for you determines what you are doing
What are your strengths that you must exploit and develop, and what are your weaknesses that you must work on
them and fix them.
It helps you obtain the satisfaction of your customers, which guarantees you greater success and continuity in the market.
Customer psychology
For a long time, it was believed that purchasing decisions were influenced solely by reasoning, but it has since become clear that they are influenced by reasoning
Also emotional, or what is known as purchasing motives.
With this new fact, talk began about the concept of customer psychology.
Customer psychology refers to the customer’s purchasing behavior, of which there are multiple patterns. By the act of existence

Different models and many customers.

Purchasing behavior is subject to many influences, such as: age, social class, and educational level
Cultural, physical, general economic situation, service value and quality, and so on.
With this huge diversity of customer types, it is not necessary to follow a unified method for dealing with them, but rather for every customer
The style that suits him and not suits another client.
How to deal with them
Dealing with customers represents one of the fundamental pillars that affect an organization’s chances of success or failure.
It is also a sensitive process that is affected by the smallest details that reach the organization to the customer.
An inappropriate word or smile can leave a bad impression on your customer and cause him to lose.
Hence the importance of being familiar with the techniques, ethics, and rules that must be taken into account when dealing with your customers.
Until communication is successful and the desired goal is achieved.
We explained previously that the customer’s psychology affects his purchasing behavior, so what is the most appropriate way to influence it?
Psychology of your customers?
This depends on a set of communication techniques, which are:
The initial impression your customer gets of your organization
You can consider it the step that most determines the odds of winning or losing your client.
If the customer’s initial impression is that he is important and special to the organization, and that it is keen to provide him with the service
At the expected level, is there any doubt that he will actually become one of its clients?
But how do you leave this impression on your customers?
This depends on:
The external appearance of the party that represents your organization: Does its appearance give the impression of care and order, or of neglect?
And lack of order?
Eye contact: Looking into your client’s eyes while talking to him draws his focus to you, and gives him the impression that you are interested in him.
Do it smoothly and comfortably so that your client does not worry.
Handshake: Expressing yourself begins before you say any word. Shake your client’s hand with confidence and energy to transfer this energy to him.
The beginning of the dialogue
Introduce yourself to your client, ask him his name, and use it from time to time during the conversation, without excess.
Be tactful and respectful during the conversation, and give your client the opportunity to express his needs.
Physical effect
Human nature is affected by the simplest details. Even the way you sit may tell your client messages that you do not verbalize
With your tongue!
It is better to have your body level a little higher than your clients, as this will make them fall under your influence
And they take you more seriously.
Sitting on the same level leaves your client with the impression that you are equal in a way that harms your negotiating position.
Sitting at a lower level than him may make him underestimate you and feel superior to you.
Private space
Absolutely. Humans are very sensitive about their personal spaces; Therefore, you should not break this rule with your clients
Give your client his space of at least one meter between you; To give him a feeling of comfort and security.
Don't exaggerate
It is important to maintain a degree of diplomacy in dialogue with your clients, but without turning diplomacy into...
Excessive praise of your client may make him feel that there is a trap being set for him, and the natural result is that you will lose him!
To avoid this trap, focus on stating the features of your service, not the features of your customers.
Do not press
Allow your client a reasonable space to think and make his decision about dealing with you and purchasing your services freely, without feeling
You forced him.
Putting pressure on your customer may make you sell your product this time, but is your goal to deal with your customer once and lose him?
The psychology of successful communication with the customer depends on a set of important ethics, which are:
Affection and respect
It is the most prominent and important slogan in the ethics of your dealings with all your customers, regardless of their personalities, as it will guarantee...
You can build a long-term relationship with the customer and gain their loyalty.
Show your respect in kindness

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